What If, Tomorrow


the warm summer morning turns cold

and we drive to the discount theatre 

to kill the time


kids are gone

house is quiet 

and clean


sit in the dark 

our beating hearts beneath the soundtrack din


what if our lives


lives we no longer recognize but live them anyway


like going back to our childhood homes

and finding them unchanged

untouched except for one small detail

only we would know


pantry shelves still stocked 

with all the crap you used to crave

your mother’s white slippers by the bedroom door

worn wooden step to the basement still announcing

our descent



what if tomorrow the night

a bright ball of flame

all the hours upended and inverted

no calendar no clock


we keep starting from the start


starting now





we are young but we are wise

we are wounded but kind

alone but each of us reaching

for the next


what if tomorrow unknowing

is freedom


and certainty the prison 

that only the dead can claim


starting now


how emerging 


from movie theatre darkness


we take time 


starting now


for our vision to clear

Mary-Kim Arnold is a writer, artist, and teacher. She is the author of The Fish & The Dove (Noemi Press) and Litany for the Long Moment (Essay Press). Other writings have appeared in Hyperallergic, Conjunctions, The Denver Quarterly, The Georgia Review, and elsewhere.


Binx Perino


Tristan Steffe